Security Motorcycle Escorts are versatile and a very effective added security measure in the safe transportation of assets and people. Staff are advanced motorcycle riders who are SIA badged, fully insured, screened and vetted. Spartan 24 Hour Security provide quality rather than quantity, Motorcycle Escorts do the job to a very high standard. Why compromise your valuable assets by having below standard security when the escorts are there for show and do nothing when an incident occurs. Motorcycle Escorts will keep your assets and people safe and secure.
The need for an motorcycle escort security service can be for different reasons. If you feel your life is in danger, or you have been threatened, Spartan 24 Hour Security can provide you with a professional motorcycle escort. Maybe you are transporting valuable items and need a vehicle patrol escort. Spartan has the best motorcycle patrol security guards. Motorcycle escort security protection guards are all properly trained in these unique situations and more.
Our motorcycle escorts are trained to make adjustments to improve the effectiveness protecting our clients. Skill and training separates our Protection Officers from typical bodyguards. Our Protection Officers are selected by skill to address your requirements. Regardless of assignment we strive to ensure the safety of our clients whether a private citizen, or dignitary. Motorcycle Escorts