The number of under-18s getting into trouble with the police has
soared by a fifth in five years as youngsters are lured into gang
More than 93,000 youngsters aged ten to 17 received their first caution or conviction last year, up from 78,000 in 2002.
official figures mask dramatic local variations, including a doubling
in the youth offending rate in Brighton and Hove, a 68 per cent rise in
Blackpool and a 65 per cent increase in Bristol.
The highest
levels of offending by under-18s was in the North East of England, where
up to three per cent had at least one brush with the law last year.
Ministers were accused of failing to do enough to stem the causes of crime, including rising gang culture.
ministers insisted the figures, published yesterday, were evidence
their policies were beginning to work, since offending rates fell
between 2006/07 and 2007/08.
The number of first-time
offenders had fallen from a high of 103,955 in 2006/07 to 93,601 last
year, a drop of around 10,000, they said.
Ministers claimed their tough line on youth crime in the wake of a spate of stabbings would lead to further reductions.
Minister David Hanson said: 'The Government's youth crime prevention
work is beginning to have a positive impact, as these figures show. The
challenge now is to maintain that trend.'
But Tory spokesman
on children Tim Loughton said: 'The number of young people ending up in
the criminal justice system has gone up in the last five years.
'Worryingly, it is some of the poorest areas that are being worst affected by the problem of children committing crime.
have to attack this problem at source by providing greater
opportunities for young people in deprived areas, supporting families
and giving teachers more powers to maintain discipline in the
Separate figures show that six per cent of teenage criminals sentenced by the courts are sent to custody.
the Government's Youth Justice Board is keen to drive this down and is
suggesting the courts hand out more community punishments and '
intensive fostering' placements instead.