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Working as a Hotel Doorman

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Thursday, April 27, 2017 Under: Hotel Security
The job of a doorman is more important than many think. A doorman is usually the first person someone encounters when entering a building, and making a good first impression can make the guest or resident feel comfortable and secure. Doormen should have a clean-cut appearance and a cheerful attitude. They should remain professional at all times. A good sense of humour can also be a plus.

Educational Requirements

Becoming a doorman has no educational requirements. Many hotels will hire high school students as a part-time doorman. Some retired people who miss interaction with others seek a job as a doorman. While the job requires no special skills, taking a self-defence course can be helpful. A situation could arise where the doorman would need to protect himself or others, and knowing how to subdue troublemakers without harming them can prove invaluable. A good doorman will know the layout of his surroundings and be able to give concise directions, recommend a good restaurant and entertainment venues. Good communication skills and attention to detail are important attributes for a doorman. Most companies will complete a background check as part of the hiring process. To apply for a doorman position, go to the establishment and ask for an application.

Responsibilities of a Doorman

The responsibilities of a doorman go far beyond greeting people as they enter the building. A doorman will hail taxis, sign for packages, give directions and keep an eye out for suspicious activity in and around the entrance of the building. Being alert and keeping the entrance safe are perhaps the most important duties of a doorman.

A Doorman’s Duties

The duties of a doorman will vary depending on the type of establishment, area, size of building and shift. Hotels in larger cities employ doormen around the clock. In the winter, the doorman may be responsible for keeping the entrance and pavement clear of ice and snow. Many doormen also tidy up around the lobby, monitor security cameras, keep logs of package deliveries and open taxi doors for residents.

In : Hotel Security 

Tags: hotel security  doormen  security guards   
