Why Hotel Security is important
Posted by David Morris on Friday, September 21, 2018 Under: Hotel Security
For many different businesses around the globe, having adequate security in place is essential to make sure that the assets, employees and customers of a business are protected. This often requires a blend of investing in security guards for hire, as well as implementing surveillance systems to monitor the premises.

We are all familiar with having CCTV cameras directed at us when entering and exiting a hotel, along with seeing the security guards that patrol the premises taking care of any problematic encounters with guests. But just how important is hotel security and how does its implementation affect the welfare of this particular type of business?
Firstly, it is important to note that hotels can be a particular target for thieves and other criminals for a number of reasons, which makes it so important to have sufficient security systems in place. One of the reasons for this is that these venues are easily accessible, with potentially hundreds of individuals exiting and entering the building each and every day.
Although hotel staff may be familiar with long term guests as well as other employees of the hotel, it is easy for people entering and leaving the hotel to retain their anonymity amongst larger groups and therefore more easily get away with committing crime.
Hotels are also a target because they attract large volumes of travellers who may be unfamiliar with the area, and in many cases, unfamiliar with the country as a whole. Travellers can make particularly easy targets for crimes such as thefts and assault, simply because they are less aware of their surroundings and especially vulnerable.
Those who are travelling also tend to carry large amounts of money with them and other valuable belongings such as cameras, mobile phones, passports and, in the case of businessmen and women, laptops for their work. This again makes them the ideal targets for thefts and muggings.
Some hotels may even play host to high profile guests, including celebrities, politicians and well-known business executives. These individuals can be the targets of many different types of crime, and although they are likely to have their own close protection, employing security guards for hire at the hotel itself can provide an extra level of safety for these people.
With that said, it can be argued that investing in security services is essential for ensuring the safety and security of guests, whether they are members of the general public or are very high profile clients. Not only is manned guarding an excellent deterrent to crime, but security guards can also provide a physical response to challenging and dangerous situations.
Whereas CCTV cameras can capture faces and actions carried out by the perpetrators of crime, it is the intervention of security guards in various circumstances which can be most effective at protecting and helping guests that find themselves the target of crime.
This added level of protection has other benefits for the hotel business, and one of these is that guests may be encouraged to stay there more often. This is especially true of high profile guests, who may be understandably concerned about their own welfare if staying in a hotel with an inadequate security system in place.
Along with increased levels of business, this can then influence the success of the hotel in other ways, such as encouraging outside investment in the hotel and increasing shareholder value. The hotel can build a strong name for itself both among the general public and investors, which can pave the way for significant future growth.
With that said, it is important that all security guards that hotels hire should have adequate training in hospitality as well as in providing security services. All good security companies will be able to make sure that not only is a high level of protection provided, but also that all officers act in a manner that is in line with the hotel's image.
In : Hotel Security
Tags: hotel security services manchester