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Security Guards serve and protect too

Posted by Susan Moore on Wednesday, September 12, 2018, In : Security Guards 
If you're the kind of person who loves a challenge, enjoys serving others, is courageous and has leadership skills then a criminal justice degree may be perfect for you. When you have a criminal justice degree you'll be able to pursue jobs including police officers, detectives, criminologists, lawyers, bailiffs and even judges. Other jobs in related fields are corrections officers, FBI agents, and crime scene investigators. Many jobs require a bachelor's degree in criminal justice but others ...

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Security Guard Ethics

Posted by Scott Murry on Sunday, September 9, 2018, In : Security Guards 
Being a security officer, one is constantly faced with moral decisions that effect not only yourself, but the company you work for. Clients put a great deal of trust in their security staff. As such, it is imperative that they conduct themselves in a professional manner.

One challenge that constantly faces officers while working is whether or not they should accept gratuity. Although many professions allow for tips, when officers accept it there is the implication that they must return the fav...

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