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Showing Tag: "security consultants warrington" (Show all posts)

Private Security Manager

Posted by Edward Harris on Friday, September 21, 2018, In : Guest Security Articles 
Organizations are always looking to bring better value within the organization, or outside the organization, they are looking to bring great value for their customer base. One area that is important is the area of security; this area brings value in the form of survival and containment of important assets. This paper will show the importance of how security brings value to an organization. Here are a few things that security brings (1) deterrence of criminal activity, (2) protection of proper...

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The value of Security Consultants

Posted by Charles Willis on Thursday, September 13, 2018, In : Guest Security Articles 
In a society where people get excited about free french fries at Burger King and coupons for free shampoo it is amazing to me that more than half of the clients that contract for security services do not take advantage of free consultation services. I have multiple explanations and clients should look at them and see if they fall into that category. Sometimes clients hire security guard services, because their clients, their boss, the city of their insurance requires it. They are not really c...

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