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Showing Tag: "cities" (Show all posts)

Largest cities in the world

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Thursday, June 13, 2013, In : Cities Of The World 
This is a listing of the 26 most populated cities in the world (those having a population over eight million). Data are estimates from late 2005.

1. Tokyo-Yokohama, Japan - 33,200,000
2. New York, United States - 17,800,000
3. Sao Paulo, Brazil - 17,700,000
4. Seoul-Incheon, South Korea - 17,500,000
5. Mexico City, Mexico - 17,400,000
6. Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto, Japan - 16,425,000
7. Manila, Philippines - 14,750,000
8. Mumbai, India (formerly Bombay) - 14,350,000
9. Jakarta, Indonesia - 14,250,000
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Inner City Decay

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Wednesday, June 5, 2013, In : Cities Of The World 
The Problem – Almost every city in Britain is disfigured by areas of idle, ugly wasteland. The Department of the Environment’s Survey of Derelict Land in England, made in 1993, showed the stock of derelict land to be 396 square kilometres and there is little to suggest that the problem has changed since then. This includes land “so damaged by industrial or other development that it is incapable of beneficial use without treatment”. It does not include land simply left empty an...
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