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UK Border Agency to be split in two

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Thursday, June 6, 2013, In : Homeland Security 

Staff in the UK Border Agency have been told their jobs will stay exactly the same - despite the Home Secretary trumpeting sweeping reforms to the under-fire service.
Moments after Theresa May announced the UKBA would be split into two and brought back under her control, an embarrassing staff memo emerged.
It said the workforce would "still be doing the same job in the same place with the same colleagues for the same boss" despite the reforms.

Home Office permanent secretary Mark Sedwill wrote t...

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Russian Border Security

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Wednesday, June 5, 2013, In : International Security 

Russia will keep strengthening its border security, replacing outdated protective installations such as barbed wire fences with advanced surveillance and monitoring equipment, Vladimir Streltsov, a deputy head of Russia’s Federal Security Service, said in an interview with government daily Rossiiskaya Gazeta.

Radars, laser control systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, CCTV cameras, night vision equipment and other automatic information collection devices will be increasingly used t...

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