24 Hour Security Services 07874014305

Security Work

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 Under: Homeland Security
Security personnel work for all kinds of organisations and businesses, where buildings, property and people need protection. They work to prevent theft and other criminal activities and to alert police when the need arises. Typical tasks for security personnel include door supervision. Working in a nightclub, bar or public house, sometimes covering events and private functions. Typical duties of a door supervisor are checking people before they enter a premises to confirm identity, making sure they are in a fit state to enter and adhering to the dress code. Patrolling the premises and monitoring them from a control room. Dealing with any incidents and emergencies in a calm professional manner. Security guards cover industrial and commercial premises. Security guards are either static, which means looking after one site, or mobile, which means visiting several sites by means of a security vehicle. 

Qualifications & Training 
You don't need formal qualifications, but many employers do ask for a good standard of education. Also good verbal and written skills. You have to pass security checks and your work and personal history is checked for the previous ten years prior to you being offered employment. Whether you need to be licenced by the Security Industry Authority, (SIA), depends on whether you work in-house or for a security contractor.

Useful Addresses
British Security Industry Association Ltd,
Security house,
Barbourne Road,
Worcester, WR1 1RS.
Tel: 01905 613625

Security Industry Authority (SIA),
PO Box 9,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE82 6YX.
Tel: 0845 243 0100

In : Homeland Security 

Tags: security work  security services  security guards  door supervisors   


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