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Safety tips for working after hours

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Saturday, September 30, 2017 Under: Personal Security

We’ve all done it—worked into the late hours of the morning only to realise that we’re now alone, the staff car park is deserted, and no one knows where we are. Working late and on weekends is often a necessary evil, but it’s important to take precautions to avoid safety issues when you do have to burn the midnight oil. 

Tell your boss that you’re working late. Notify internal security staff; in some cases this also includes building security. In fact, program the number for building security into your mobile phone ahead of time. And don’t forget to tell your family so that they aren’t unduly alarmed when you don’t arrive in time for dinner.

Use common sense
Avoid unsecured areas, like common toilets, fire staircases and back alleys. Use main transportation routes. If there’s a main lift, use that instead of the stairs.

Use cameras to your advantage
Be aware of areas in your building that are monitored by closed-circuit TV and work only in those areas if possible. Also, be aware of what you leave on your desk when working late, taking extra care to safeguard your valuables.

When you leave the building at night, notify security and call your family so that they know to expect you. Be aware of what the corporate policy is on working late and abide by that policy.

Park smart
Before it gets too late, move your car in the car park to a well-lit area. If you are working in a large city and don't want to use your car, arrange for a relative, friend or taxi to pick you up.

Common sense, is the most effective tool for staying safe. Avoiding working late altogether is even better. But if you must, try to do it as a team. Stay together while you’re working and leave the office together when you’re done.

In : Personal Security 

Tags: working after hours  personal security   


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