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Qualities To Look For When Hiring Door Supervisors

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Under: Door Supervisors
The security staff is an important component of your venue staff. Club security or door supervisors have long been hired for their larger-than-life size and their physical intimidation factor. Owners hoped that by hiring huge body builders, they would reduce the number of incidents because people would be afraid to mess with them.

That theory is changing somewhat as more bars and clubs look for improved communication and problem-solving skills in security personnel. An  effective door supervisor can help you head off incidents before they become big problems. A good door supervisor has

Effective communication skills

This idea may be new to some people who have been in the bar business for a while, but the ability to talk to customers, including those who are intoxicated or potentially violent, is the best first step in avoiding a fight or other incident.

A quick wit

It may seem strange, but having a sense of humour can help diffuse tense situations. Although you don’t want someone who is extremely sarcastic and will alienate patrons or cause a situation to escalate, someone with quick one-liners can often keep things on an even keel. 

The ability to make appropriate decisions

Throwing someone out of the bar is not always the answer. A good door supervisor needs to have other tools in his/her repertoire. Ask the potential door supervisor about how he/she handled difficult situations in the past. How has he/she resolved them? Does his solution match your philosophy? Also, ask him/her about a few scenarios to see how he would react.

Here are a few scenarios you can use as examples to get started

A patron hands you a fake ID. What do you do?

A couple is engaged in a heated argument in the bar. What do you do?

A potential patron offers you money to get into the bar without waiting in the long line. What’s your reaction?

A patron may be using illegal drugs in your establishment. What do you do?

Physical presence

Presence doesn’t mean the door supervisor has to look like he spends 15 hours a day lifting weights and taking steroids. But the door supervisor should have a cool confidence that tells people, “I am in charge. Don’t mess with me because you won’t win.”

Don’t hire bullies or showoffs

Watch all new security staff members closely for a week. If you have complaints about them from customers, investigate the complaints immediately. If you have to replace them, replace them.

A neat, clean appearance: A great door supervisor doesn’t have long hair or lots of bling (flashy necklaces or jewellery). These items can be used against a door supervisor, and a good one knows it.

In : Door Supervisors 

Tags: hotel door supervisors manchester   
