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How Many Door Supervisors Should You Have At Your Premises?

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Under: Door Supervisors
A strong security team can help keep your premises safe and secure during opening hours and when closed. If you want to protect your premises with trained security personnel, then you should make sure that you have enough employees to man entrances and exits and other areas of your business that require guarding.

How many exits and entrances do you have?

When deciding how many door supervisors your business needs, you should first look at numbers of entrances and exits your premises has. Pubs, clubs, restaurants that require a licensed professional to work on the door should ideally have two personnel stationed at each entrance or exit during operating hours. This will mean that you have control over who enters your premises.

The nature of your business

The nature of your business can help you decide the number of security personnel that you employ. Rowdier premises may require extra security to help keep customers calm and enjoying themselves, whereas quieter premises may only need a small number of security employees.

Those running retail premises may find that they require a different number of staff when compared to pubs and clubs, and may even find that they need to hire staff trained in different areas of security.

The size of your premises

The number of employees that make up your security team differs depending on the size of your premises. The larger the premises, the bigger your security team should be. Along with door supervisors, you should also make sure that you have security guards who are able to patrol your premises so that it remains secure and safe.

Business owners should not only consider the amount of security personnel that they employ, but also ensures that they are trained for the relevant areas. If you are planning on employing staff to monitor CCTV, then you must make sure that they hold the right qualifications and SIA licence to legally work.

In : Door Supervisors 

Tags: door supervisors manchester   


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