Home security checks
Posted by Marie Davis on Monday, November 6, 2023 Under: Home Security
When it comes to security checks, a ‘quick as possible’ approach isn’t going to cut it. There are many ways we can secure our homes and possessions. With the advances in technology there are so many ways that you can protect your home. But, there is still need for home security checks and some common sense too.

What’s Online?
Have a think about what you are posting online and how private your posts are. Saying that you’re going to a friend’s wedding for the weekend, watching the kids in a school play or finally going on that dream holiday is all good stuff. However, while sharing your good news with your friends, you are sharing good news with potential thieves too. The good news they are reading is that you’re out of your home for a set amount of time. They know when you’re not home, so they can break in!

Who Has Access?
Think about who has access to your home. Who have you given keys too? Have you given a spare set of keys to neighbours, but as neighbours have gone, they have taken your keys with them? Is it time to get your locks changed because too many people can enter your home when you’re not there? It’s a good idea for a trusted neighbour to have some keys for your home though. If you go away and worry that the lights have been left on, your cat needs feeding, or you lock yourself out – you will be grateful that your trusted neighbour has those spare keys.

Check & Maintain Your Security Systems
While it’s great that you have security systems installed, you still need to make sure they are in good working order. If there was to be a break-in, many home insurance companies will want proof that your security system is regularly maintained. Checking and maintaining your security systems will better protect your home and reduce your insurance premiums. It will also prolong the life cycle of your security systems too.

Maintain Your Surrounding Areas
While you may have checked and maintained your CCTV security cameras to make sure they are working, they won’t be useful if there is a tree in front of them. Make sure you don’t have overgrown plants and trees blocking the view of your CCTV surveillance camera. You should also check fences or walls around your property to ensure there are no holes where potential thieves could enter your property or garden.

These are our top home security checks that we think everyone should know. If you need help checking or maintaining your home security; call our specialist team now. We can chat through the security measures you have in place. We will also talk about when they were last checked and if they could be improved.
In : Home Security
Tags: home security checks