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Factory Security

Posted by Steve Morris on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Under: Factory Security
Factory Security North West. No matter what your factory may produce and hold, it’s paramount to both workers and people outside that the building is secure. Cutting corners may be cheaper, but it also lends more room for safety issues and for things to go wrong. We’ve comprised a list of some of the most important things to consider about factory security so that you can be sure your North West Factory premises are safe.

Strong security policies must be enforced and kept

Before we even get into physical things you can do to ensure secure factory premises, it’s critical that whoever is working on the site is aware of the security policies they’re working under. Ensure that each policy is concisely drafted and, more importantly, written down as this ensures easy consultation if a member of staff is unsure. If you have security guards, be sure that they’re aware of how to respond to security breaches in line with your safety policies.

Holistic physical security is a fool-proof way

The only way to ensure a factory is fully secured is to treat each separate component as part of a larger, intricate system. Simply presuming that barriers or a single security guard alone will be enough to protect the factory is sheer complacency. It’s crucial to have a multi-faceted security plan in place; this will consist of the previously mentioned security policies and procedures, as well as an ideal minimum of two different physical protective measures. 

Security gates

These are usually the first point of protection for any factory. Often, the gates alone can deter burglaries due to their oppressive appearance; this is handy as recent reports show that 4.47% burglaries in the UK are spur-of-the-moment. If your factory looks impenetrable, it’s less likely that someone will attempt to break in.


Barriers are the next protective measures for your factory following security gates. In most cases, barriers are effective at preventing unauthorised vehicles to access the site, especially with technological advancements that mean barriers can be automated with simple tickets or codes. 

Industrial doors

When it comes to securing your factory, industrial doors are usually the most effective way to go. Mostly crafted from steel, these doors are incredibly hard to destroy, making it a great deterrent for burglaries as by the time they break-in, they’ll more than likely have been caught. Not only this, but newer models of industrial doors can open and close far faster than their predecessors, ensuring fast protection if your factory and workers are at work. Even more impressing, industrial doors carry an internal locking system, making it even harder to penetrate.

In : Factory Security 

Tags: north west factory security   


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