Security guards are mostly found in almost any establishments. They do guard the safety of the company; put a second to anyone who want to rob a bank and secure anyone who is bringing a big amount of money.

But of course security guard personal should be brave and skilled in handling guns. But the most important characteristic of a guard should have is being trustworthy and honest. They should have a good background and clear from any criminal records, robbery cases or any other court cases.
There are some incidents where security guards are usually affiliated to some illegal activities. Because of the authorization of getting in to a vault and know all the facilities of the bank, they can use this in planning to rob a bank and that is what we usually call inside job. At first this person will apply in an agency and request to be assign in a job and from there he will study all the details, facilities and bank employees activities and movement so that they can plan how to rob the bank.
To prevent incidents like this, you must do some security measures in hiring a security guard. You should conduct a thorough background checks for each applicant. Make sure that every applicant doesn't have any criminal records, bank robbery case or any illegal activities associated under the name of the applicant. Background checks is a way in securing your company's investment and also the life of employees who are working in a bank.