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Showing Tag: "personal security warrington" (Show all posts)

Personal Security Services

Posted by Dale Smith on Saturday, May 25, 2019, In : Personal Security 
Personal Protection. Security is a catch 22 business. On one hand you can say you don't need security services as nothing has happened to you in the past, and on the other hand actually having security services seems like a waste of money as they are not preventing anything...that you know of.

There are many documented cases of famous people who have been away from home and had their houses targeted by thieves. More serious cases have reported the persons family being held at knife-point.


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Hiring Personal Security

Posted by Frank Morris on Thursday, March 14, 2019, In : Close Protection 
Unfortunately, the need for security is a real concern in the 21st century. This is not a perfect world, and bad things happen to good people on a regular basis. If you would like to offer the best possible protection for your and your family, hiring personal security is something that you should seriously consider. Whether you want to have security while travelling in a part of the world that is notoriously dangerous, or you just want a security detail to protect you at home, there are plent...

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